Wednesday 30 December 2009

I'm not pregnant but..

..I am having serious cravings for coke (a cola, before you ask) at the moment even though I rarely drink fizzy pop (as my Nan calls it..)

However as some sort of intercourse needs to take place to reproduce, pregnancy is out of the question.

Things that p*ss me off..

.. because there is nothing better at Christmas time than a scrooge.

1. People who can eat and eat and eat and still look like if there metabolism was any faster they would be flying.
2. The fact that everywhere I go mess seems to follow me.
3. That, yet again, even though I am no longer a 'Bar Person' I have still somehow managed to end up working on New Years Eve.
4. The fact that calling a 'Bar Person' anything other than a 'Bar Person' is not politically correct. Your a Bar Maid, I was a Bar Maid, get over it.
5. That for some reason, even though I don't speak to you all year, you still expect me to personally call you and wish you a Merry Christmas.
6. No matter how much money I pay out a week I never seem to kiss goodbye to my phone bill.
7. When I go shopping with no money and see everything I like, yet when I go out with a wad of it I find nothing.
8. The dumb ass customer that calls in and doesn't seem to understand that when you go into Tesco's and say 'Right, I want this can of beans but I don't want to pay for it, is that ok?' is exactly the same as making a freaking phone call and refusing to hand over the money.
9. The fact that some of my closest friends live a million miles away.
10. The old lady that walks through the door you so kindly held open for her and doesn't say thank you. Bitch.

Sunday 27 December 2009

I feel it is my duty..

As I haven't posted in a while I felt it was only right that I stopped by to say hello.

Whats been going on in my life I hear you asking..

Usually I use the same taxi firm for all of my travels, I know the drivers and they look after me. Also, this is what happens when I don't..

'Hello, hows your day been? Have you been busy?'
'I tend not to answer that question anymore Love'
(awkward silence)
'Its a bit of a p*ss-take really, isn't it, what with the recession'
'Oh, erm well I honestly didn't mean to 'take the p*ss' as you like to call it.. Is there a better question I can ask?'
'No, not really'
'Erm, oh, ok'
(continued awkward silence)
'Thats a fiver Love please'

Crazy! I think I can honestly say I have never felt so uncomfortable in all my life (well, other than when my friend told me his Dad had died and I laughed because I thought he was joking..)

My Ice-capade
Wednesday morning I was due in work bright and early, I set my alarm, woke up and called MY taxi man (as I have now developed a fear for any alternative firms..) 07.40 a get a call to say the roads are too icy therefore he is stuck and unable to pick me up.

I spent the rest of my morning deliberating the possibilities of getting to the train station, walk? Not a chance. Bus? Thats a joke. Friend? CHECK! I text my old employer (who incidently I haven't seen since July) to see if on the off-chance he was driving anywhere close to my office, he said he was and would pick me up at 10.00.

OK, so thats an hour later than my actual start time but far better than a slap in the face with a wet fish so I called work and explained my situation which they were fine with.

I then proceeded to walk to the end of my road (in pigeon steps because of the ice) and recieved a call from said person. He is stuck on the ice and unable to pull out of his drive and would I like to go on his motorbike. You have to be joking. Not a chance in freaking hell.

I then called my office back and yet again explained there was no way I would be able to get into town until at least 12.00 due to the ice.

I finally managed to call a taxi out and arrived in the office at 13.25, 4 hours and 25 minutes late but there all the same.

My boss was so impressed I'd actually bothered to go in at all that he gave me Christmas Eve off, winner.

Sunday 6 December 2009

What next?

As you may know, from time to time I go through phases.

  • 'I'm going back to college'
  • 'I'm gonna travel the world!!'
  • 'I'm thinking of moving away'

Are just a few of the things those close to me hear from my mouth on a regular basis, don't they Ineke?

Well, I have come to the conclusion, that I need to learn to be content with what I have as opposed to always wanting more.

I work for a fantastic company in a fantastic location with fantastic people so think it is about time I take full advantage of this and enjoy it.

So instead of coming up with all these wierd and wonderful ideas of what to do next I have decided to maximise and make the most of what I already have.

On Tuesday I have an appointment to view a house in the city where I work, therefore reducing travel costs and travel time.

It looks lovely, literally 3 minutes walk from the office and very close to the city centre.

Hopefully this will enable me to settle a little better, increase my pocket money and leave more time for me to enjoy the things around me. We shall see.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Is It A Bird?

For those of you who know me, you will be well aware that I am not the most girly of girls.

  • I don't spend hours in front of the mirror tweeking my hair or doing my make-up
  • I try my best to avoid clothes shopping as much as possible - the whole idea of getting changed in a 2 by 2 cubicle repeatedly to get the right fit stresses me out a little
  • My nail varnish is forever chipped and not in good shape and
  • I would much rather be a part of a lads night out than a girly night in


I have my works christmas meal on Thursday and thought I may just make an effort.

On Sunday I spent close on two hours walking aimlessly around a clothes store near my house, trying on dress after dress, not finding anything I felt remotely comfortable in.

As I was in the queue with Mother ready to pay for the few garments she had gathered along her way I saw it. There it was, screaming 'buy me'.

Being a couple of minutes to closing there was no time to faf about in the changing room so I decided to take a chance and just go for it.

After getting home and having a very well deserved cup of coffee I thought it best I try it on.

Nice length, fits around waist, flatters all the right lumps and bumps, but wait! Somethings wrong..

Whats this?! The freaking woman in the shop failed to remove the security tag!

Now, its a bloody good job if you ask me that I didn't try it on in the shop, therefore resulting in me not taking it out of the bag again until Thursday, in the bathroom at work (Yes - I have to do a quick Superman style change in the toilet after finishing my days duty) to find a large plastic tag under my armpit.

Now wouldn't that have been bloomin marvelous.

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