Sunday, 9 May 2010

Something to Blog about :-)

Finally Ladies and Gents I have something to Blog about..

I am not sure if I have mentions J in my previous posts as things have been very uncertain between us and I didn't want to be bombarded with questions about the new man in my life (from all the hundreds of you that read Pebble Dash ;-) ) until, he was infact, in my life.

So a bit of background info I hear you asking for..

J is in a more executive position to myself in our Office, hence why we haven't been able to have a 'relationship' This has been going on for the past 7 or 8 months, seeing each other outside of work but not actually feeling as if it is going anywhere, me being kept a secret from his family and just generally not doing 'couply' things.


Last week he rocked my world, turned it upside down and gave it a bit of a shake.

We are now 'in a relationship', doing couply things and building ourselves up to 'meet the family' I am SOOOO excited.

Like seriously, butterflies and everything, the full shibang.

I am very much looking forward to updating my blog on (hopfully) a more regular basis,

Chao for now!!

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