Monday, 10 May 2010

Nightmare On Elm Street

J and I went to the pictures last night to see Nightmare On Elm Street, another of his very welcomed surprises :-)

Seriously, I am so happy at the moment its unbelievable.

As you know Ineke my luck with men over the past year or so has not been great and some may say that it still wasn't fantastic when J and I first started.. However things have completely turned around, I feel excited about EVERYTHING. Not just the big, extravagent things but the little things. Curling up on the sofa and watching the football, making coffee in the mornings, taking showers and holding each other. I am turning into a complete Sap, seriously.

I just feel happy. Like proper happy. Happy and content and excited.

So anyway, this post was supposed to be about the film.

Frig it.


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog! It's so great to hear someone is reading. I regularly check your blog to see if you've updated.

    It's great to hear that you found someone who make you happy. You definitely deserve it. Look forward to reading more updates from you. ::smile::

  2. Wow, now there's some news. When the girls were over a couple of days ago, they asked me how you were doing and if there was a guy, and i told him there might be someone...
    Like Abigail said, you deserve it, so he'd better treat you right, this J!!!


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