Saturday 6 March 2010

Long Time, No See

Well, It has been a while, I must say.

I thought I would stop by and let you all (when I say 'all', I namely mean 'you' as I am pretty sure the people that read this are of a minority..) know that I am still alive and well.

So, here I am, alive and kicking and wondering what on earth I should write next.

The past few weeks/months have been a bit of a rollercoaster. I have moved house (as my previous post states) and been a whirlwind of emotions in regards to my job.

When I first started it was where I wanted to be, where I saw myself staying, loving and progressing however recently things seemed to have changed. I am no longer enjoying getting up and going into the office in the mornings, I am not having the patience with the customers as I should let alone the staff.

I guess I am just used to working in a busy, public place. I have always worked in bars and restaurants and been faced with new people every day, it is what I am good at. I guess I am just struggling a little with seeing the same faces day in and day out and like most offices the people that occupy them are not necessarily the people you would usually chose to spend your time with. Anyway, time can only tell what will happen with that one!

Less of the moan.

I thought I would change my template, it is a little hectic and crazy but I figured for that reason, it represents my life pretty damn well.

Hopefully my next post may even include a little humor.

Now wouldn't that just be lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, what a fab layout! I barely recognised it when I arrived.

    I am so sorry that you are not enjoying your job so much at the moment. I can totally relate to what you wrote. I have been working in an office for years and can barely tolerate some of the people that work there. You are so correct that many of them are certainly not people we would choose to socialise with. It doesn't take long to sift out who you can rely on. On a positive note, I know the transition from your previous jobs is difficult, but I promise that it does get easier. My fingers are firmly crossed for you Rae! Make sure that you keep us updated! And you are always more than welcome to email me if you want to let off some steam :)

    Hope you are enjoying the sunshine this weekend (it is about time we got some well earned sunshine!). Bring on the summer!

    Take care and keep smilin'!


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