Monday 30 November 2009


I am not as new to this whole blogging malarky as one would asume.

What seems like a life time ago now I kept a blog named Practically Dutch.

Have a read if you like, It will give you a little insight in to me, you could call it cheating if you like, but it saves me doing it.

Anyway, the point in this post is to openly admit I struggle with commitment a little.

I love change, more so than the average person, - I get a job, love it but want to relocate.
- I move house, love it, but feel like a change. - I meet a man, love him (I say losely) but get bored too easily.

- I start a blog, love it, but struggle to keep it up.

So, to get to the point, I need a little encouragement, and seen as you, Graham are the only person that reads my blog, I'm going to tag you.

Now, I am making this up entirely as I go along and thinking about it, its not really a tag after all as it doesn't require any other participent other than Me, Myself and you.

Right - getting back on track.. I'd like you to give me something to blog about, something I can look into, get my teeth into and post.

Up for the challenge?


  1. co workers.
    their nasty habits.
    the boss who cant keep his eyes of off you
    gossip girl!

  2. I love Ineke's suggestions (especially the one about habits), and here are a small selection from me....

    1) Your dream - what is the reason you wake up every morning? Forgetting the constraints of money and all, what would you really want to be doing right now?

    2) Food - now this is a subject I could talk about for ages and ages and..... But what is your favourite food and drink.

    3) You have had the experience of seeing many wonderful locations. I am a keen traveller and love to read/listen to peoples' anecdotes of some of their experiences. I am sure you have had or seen some funny things happen on your travels. I wanna hear all about them.

    4) It is about time you grabbed your camera and let us peek into the world through your eyes. It amazes me when one person sees their surroundings as boring, yet another person can look at the same scene and be totally fascinated by it. Especially when looking in from another town, country or continent.

    5) What has infuriated you today? Something somebody said or did, something you saw or heard or read... there is nothing more therapeutic that ranting about it on your blog!

    That's a little food for thought for now. I'll have a proper think over the next few days and will comment some more if I think of any. Oh, and be sure that I am going to link you in any meme's that I do. You aren't going to escape that easily :) xx


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